Woodward tahoe at boreal, CALIFORNIA

January 19-21, 2024

$515 - lift tickets included
$395 - season passholders

friday night registration and welcome session IN the woodward bunker included

We are SO excited to return to head coach, Christine Savage's home mountain in North Lake Tahoe for a springtime park camp at Boreal! Boreal is known for its amazing park that is loaded with rails, jumps, a minipipe, and more for all abilities.

In addition, the Woodward Tahoe bunker is an expansive indoor facility that includes skate ramps, trampolines, launch ramps into foam pits--all incredibly fun and helpful for practicing techniques that can be brought to snow.


INCLUDED IN registration:
- Two day Lift tickets (discount for season pass)
- small group coaching with pro COACHES
- private progression park
- friday night welcome session in the woodward bunker
- gift bag with products from sponsors
- lunch saturday/Sunday
- apres party saturday evening
- sunday awards celebration
+ special surprises and prizes throughout the weekend
